Blog Archives

Cryotherapy Tomorrow

So, as I have blogged about my Colposcopy Biopsy before, the next step is to get Cryotherapy done. Cryotherapy is where they freeze my cervix so the cells won’t grow anymore.
I gotta admit, I’m pretty scared for tomorrow. I’ve done so much research, including, looking up YouTube videos as well forums for this topic and yea it has scared me, but, only because when I was looking up about the Colposcopy Biopsy, alot of women stated it hurt and them women stated that I didn’t. Of course, all women are different but since my biopsy experience wasn’t so great, I’m even more mortified about this Colposcopy. Not to mention the risks and side affects after…YICKS! I’m scared. But I gotta Go through with this so I can just set it aside and focus on weight loss, gaining strength and military. Mario and I did legs and shoulders today and we did A LOT of legs. I did A LOT of calves, I rarely hit calves but i need to start hitting em. I’m pretty sure my calves a gonna be sore tomorrow. Hopefully, my legs won’t shake or wobble during my surgery. :/ That would definitely suck!

Cervical colposcopy and biopsy

So about 4weeks ago, I had my annual pap-smear done. Then about a week later I was told my results came back abnormal and I have a low-grade squamous Intraepithelial Lesion, which means I have a pre-cancerous lesion on my cervix. So they scheduled me for tomorrow to get a colposcopy and a biopsy. I’m pretty nervous, just the thought of a doctor, poking your cervix and scraping around and taking a piece of your cervix out, erks me. But I won’t get my results back until 2weeks after my procedure, I’m gonna be so nervous for my results…just as I am about tomorrow. Ughhh!
Well, I am trying to stay calm and keep my mind off of it. But until then I’ll be at the gym in then morning as usual, then off to my appointment at 11am.


Dying & Death Talk

Looking at dying and death for what it is: a part of life.

Luke Norsworthy

Home of the Newsworthy with Norsworthy podcast and more

Read After Burnout

Adventures in Everyday Madness Continuing

Dr Annetta Mallon

Your End of Life Doula


Health, Fitness, and Relationships is a great way to start living again.

Everybody Means Something

Words, values and identities explored

Teresa's Big O(pinion)

Let's talk about s... kincare, makeup, etc.

5 Good Minutes

Cheap as free entertainment!

Linda's Book Bag

Loving books and reading

The Green Reaper

A glimpse at the life of the Undertaker of Boring, Oregon

What's Nonfiction?

Where is your nonfiction section please.

Rubys Readings

Psychic, Astrologist, & Blogger

Tulipifera Blog

Photography // Design

The Awkward Shaka

Really Important Jiu Jitsu News

Carlos Ygoa Blog

Just a Man bumping his way through life.